Kibera Hamlets USA exists solely to raise money to support the orphans in Kibera, Kenya. The organization was founded by Richard John Grich Jr., a resident of Campbell, CA, USA. After prompting by his daughter and travel companion, Rachel, Rich experienced the poverty of Kibera during a trip to Africa in May of 2014. He worked at a school for orphans framing classrooms. Moved by what he and Rachel saw and experienced, Rich founded Kibera Hamlets USA. Kibera Hamlets USA is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation with full 501(c)(3) approval from the US Internal Revenue Service. All donations are fully tax deductible.
Richard Grich: Richard, founder of Kibera Hamlets USA, is a diversified entrepreneur living in the Bay Area. In addition to managing Kibera Hamlets USA and fundraising for the various initiatives at the school, Rich is also an real estate investment manager, and donates time to local California organizations.
Rachel Grich: Rachel visited Kibera for the first time in May 2014, with her father Rich and has since returned to visit in July 2017. With a passion for travel and enthusiasm for working with kids, she is thrilled to support Kibera Hamlets USA’s efforts in furthering childhood education. In an effort to pursue a career in urban education and economic development, Rachel is currently pursuing her Master in Business Administration and Master in Public Policy degrees at Georgetown University.
Elana Laichena: Elana is an American entrepreneur living in Nairobi. She is the Founder & CEO of Acacia Innovations, a social enterprise which supplies an eco-friendly and cost-saving alternative to firewood made from sugarcane waste. In her free-time, she has been volunteering with Kibera Hamlets as a fundraiser and tutor since November 2015. Elana is passionate about sustainable development and community-based projects to uplift the urban poor. Elana holds a M.Sc. in City Planning from Pratt Institute and B.A. in Urban Studies from The New School University (NYC).
Kibera Hamlets USA has recently begun a collaboration with the Love Uganda Foundation, based on Kampala, Uganda. With an aligned mission of empowering orphaned children through quality education, Kibera Hamlets USA is excited to begin exploring this partnership.
To learn more about the Love Uganda Foundation, please visit their website: http://loveugandafoundation.org/
Questions can be sent to rjgrich@gmail.com