Kibera Hamlets Programs

Kibera Hamlets is a community-based organization in Kibera, Kenya founded in 2004 by John Adoli in an effort to provide positive encouragement and support to Kibera’s youth through education and youth empowerment activities. Today Kibera Hamlets supports approximately 200 children starting in nursery school, through secondary school. Kibera Hamlets has the following programs:

Primary School: Kibera Hamlets runs a primary school supporting 160 children (20 children per grade 1-8) at no cost to the children or families. Children are taught by well-trained teachers and are offered uniforms, school supplies and food at school. Kibera Hamlets is focusing on providing a quality education to children to cannot affort to pay school fees to other schools in Kibera. After a fire in 2012, Kibera Hamlets has made great progress by rebuilding the school and classrooms as shown below.

Orphanage: In providing a home and access to clothing and goods for about 40 children, Kibera Hamlets working toward improving the well-being of orphaned children.

Nursery School: Aimed at improving access to early childhood education for children under age 5, Kibera Hamlets has started a Nursery School, which supports about 40 children, many of whom live in the orphanage.

Drama/Acrobatics Group: By creating this program for both boys and girls, Kibera Hamlets has created a space for inspiring artistic expression through dance and theater. Children learn and practice dances, and then perform them in the community. The group promotes self-confidence, teamwork and while enabling children to connect with their cultures.

Girl’s Mentorship Programs: Kibera Hamlets has created this peer education program as a safe place for girls to have positive conversation about critical issues affecting their daily lives, including early marriage, teenage pregnancy, abortion, HIV/ AIDS, poverty and violence.

Secondary School Sponsorship: In 2014, Kibera Hamlets USA began helping students who graduate from its primary school with high marks by providing financial assistance to attend a secondary boarding school in Western Kenya called the Migori Education Centre. For the 2017-2018 school year, Kibera Hamlets USA supported a total of 36 students. For the 2018-2019 school year, Kibera Hamlets USA supported a total of 40 students. For the 2018-2019 school year, Kibera Hamlets USA hopes to support 37 girls.

For more information about Kibera Hamlets, please visit their website:

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