Kibera Hamlets has several programs and initiatives, grouped into three categories, which support their children. Each of these initiatives needs your help; please donate! A little money can go a long way…
Infrastructure Initiatives at Kibera Hamlets School
Text Book Project: Following the 2012 fire at Kibera Hamlets, they lost their textbooks. Currently, not all children have a science, math, social studies, English, Kiswalihi and Religion text book, which makes it difficult to learn. Each book only costs 450 Kenyan shillings (or approximately 4.50 USD). To ensure all 20 students in all 8 grades have each textbook they need, the project will cost a total of 54,000 Kenyan Shillings (Approximately 540 USD). Current Status: Partially Funded
Library Renovation Project: Kibera Hamlets would like to build a library to encourage reading and create a study space. The funding for this project would cover the supplies (wood, paint, etc) and labor needed to construct the library. Cost: 28,200 Kenyan Shillings (Approximately 282 USD). Current Status: Not yet funded
Water Tank Installation: Currently Kibera Hamlets water must be collected and paid for off site. By installing a water tank, they can cut long term costs of water and make it more accessible for children. Cost: 61,500 Kenyan Shillings (Approximately 615 USD). Current Status: Not yet funded
Kitchen Construction: Kibera Hamlets School does not have the capacity to cook food on a regular basis for students for lunch. Many students must travel home to eat lunch, which takes time away from lessons. Building a kitchen at the school will allow KIbera Hamlets school to better provide meals for children. Cost 15,960 Kenyan Shillings (Approximately 160 USD). Current Status: Not yet funded
Book Shelves Installation: The goal is to create lockable book shelves for teachers to store books before and after classes. Cost 4,332 Kenyan Shillings (Approximately 433 USD). Current Status: Not yet funded
Perimeter Wall Security Construction: Kibera Hamlets School has faced issues with theft from neighbors since they do not have a secure facility. Building a secure wall will help reduce repeated expenditures for stolen items. Cost 19,440 Kenyan Shillings (Approximately 195 USD). Current Status: Not yet funded
Upper Floor Filling: Kibera Hamlets is a two-story school; however the floors between the two floors are not completely filled. Therefore, there have been issues with dirt or other small things falling between the two floors. Filling in the floors will reduce disturbance for the children on the bottom floor. Cost 12,400 Kenyan Shillings (Approximately 124 USD). Current Status: Not yet funded
Recurring Activities at Kibera Hamlets School
Meals: In buying beans, maize, sugar, rice, cooking oil, and fire wood in bulk, Kibera Hamlets can reduce their overall cost. Cost: 36,000 per month (Approximately 360 USD per month)
Staff Stipend: Kibera Hamlets School has 8 full time staff- 6 teachers, 1 administrator and 1 cook. Cost: 66,000 per month (Approximately 660 USD per month)
Girls Mentorship Program: This ongoing peer education program is a safe place for girls to have positive conversation about critical issues affecting their daily lives. Cost: 45,000 per year (Approximately 450 USD per year)
Secondary Girls School Scholarship
For girls who graduate from Kibera Hamlets school, the best path to obtaining a well-paying job is to continue their education at a secondary boarding school outside Kibera. For the last three years, Kibera Hamlets has been working to raise money to send girls who pass the entrance exam to Migori Education Centre in Western Kenya. 40 girls who graduated from Kibera Hamlets are currently attending Migori Education Centre with scholarship from the Kibera Hamlets USA Scholarship Fund. This is approximately 500 USD per student for the year. Please click the link below for more information about this fundraising effort.
To support these initiatives, a check can be made payable to:
Kibera Hamlets USA
and mailed check to:
Kibera Hamlets USA
4013 8th St NE, Apt 1
Washington, DC 20017
You can also donate using a credit card through PayPal using the link below.
Kibera Hamlets USA is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation with full 501(c)(3) approval from the US Internal Revenue Service. All donations are fully tax deductible.
Any questions can be sent to: